Blogs From Kenny & Vicki York
Embracing the Suck: the Sequel
Night 1, Part Two The first night did not disappoint when it came to being cold. The temperature in the tent kept dropping and dropping as I put on more and more layers of clothing—only to feel warmer for a few minutes and then cold again. By the time I finished...
Embrace the Suck
Night 1, 2020 Here I am, sitting in my tent the first night of my 14-day run. Today was about setting up camp and getting ready for next few weeks. The tent’s up, the signs are up, the long johns are on. All is ready. Normally I would say, “All is good,” but it’s very...
Prove It Clarksville, 2020 Edition
I’m voluntarily going homeless again starting Tuesday, Dec. 1 (the coldest day of the winter so far!) and ending on Dec. 14. Follow my journey here or via Manna’s YouTube channel (MannaCafe2010).
Are You Mad At Me, God?
Hear Kenny’s memories of his first night of homelessness. What does it feel like for someone who suddenly has no roof over his/her head? Clarksville has somewhere between 350 and 500 homeless residents. Many are women and children. How can we stop ignoring or...
Inescapable God
The other day, I was mulling over atheism, and I realized that atheists are actually pretty remarkable. Think about it: The effort it would take to ignore God is astounding. God is inescapable. We’re surrounded by Him—in beauty, art, and music but...
Finally — My Book Is in Print!
The baby has been birthed. On and off for several years, I’ve been working on my book Created for Fearlessness. I sometimes went months without looking at it, while at other times I focused on little else. Twice I spent four or five days at a...
Stop Accepting Fear as Just a Part of Life
Too often, even Christians believe that anxiety and worry are annoying but unavoidable parts of life. “Oh well,” we say, “No one enjoys fear, but it’s to be expected, right?” WRONG. This mindset is a major roadblock to living fearlessly....
True or False? Denying Abortion Results in Unwanted, Neglected Children
One of the many abortion myths I’ll be addressing in the coming months is this: “Denying abortion results in unwanted, neglected children.” We hear this argument so often that even some Christians believe it. We must stop waffling in regard to the...
Starting the Abortion Conversation
Which of the arguments for abortion listed below is most confusing to you as a Christian? Let’s talk through one at a time to see why they are all myths that don’t hold up under scrutiny. “If you aren’t going to adopt the unwanted babies, you...
Why You Should Pursue the Fear of God
About ten years ago, when I first saw the ocean, the Lord began to show me why we should never shy away from the fear of God. In fact, pursuing the fear of God will allow you to be fearless about the very things that used to cause you to panic. In this video, I...
Divorcing Social Media While Still Using It for Good
Do you feel like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. are stealing your time and energy but don’t know how to stop? Here’s a PRACTICAL way to reclaim all that precious time while still using social media for good.
Breaking Ties with Halloween
Warning: this post concerns Halloween. If you love Halloween, you might want to keep scrolling. But if you’re feeling the nudge of the Holy Spirit to steer clear of it, keep reading. Are you struggling with how to align your love for the Light of the world with...
Two Little Words: the Key to Fearlessness
I battled with anxiety for decades (!!!!!), but I’ve been free of it for more than five years. So can you. Take a look at the story of Peter walking on water in a brand new way and discover the key to fearlessness.
Are You Burdened by Regret?
When it comes to testimony, there are the Mary Magdalenes (those whose list of past sins could fill a ream of paper) and there are the John the Baptists (those whose past sins are so inconsequential they’re not even mentioned in the course of their story). I...
The Tiny Sins that Can Take Us Down
Recently, I came home to find chunks of wood from my favorite tree all over the yard, the street, and even the front porch. Here’s what I learned about myself from that rather strange experience.
The Fear of God: More than Just “a Healthy Respect”
First, my apologies for being so lax about posting! What a season this has been! For months and months, I focused on finishing my book (Seven Days of Fearlessness). Then it was time to jump into grant-writing season (yes, I’m also a grant writer). After 4 1/2...
Remembering the Shadow-Seasons
“Now I am hidden in the safety of Your love. I trust Your heart and Your intentions. Trust you completely, I’m listening intently. You’ll guide me through these many shadows.” —United Pursuit/W. Reagan This song has been wrecking me all...
How to Create a Prayer Closet
On the floor of a closet for 30 minutes a day for 30 days in a row: that’s how I’m starting this new year. If you’re thinking that a half-hour of God-time per day ought to be part of my life already, you’re right. In fact, I’ll take...
When the Cloud Moves Before You’re Ready to Move
The following is a devotional I contributed to LifeWay’s Renew Daily online devotional, available through DevoHub: Have you put a great deal of time, emotion, and energy into a project that you just knew God intended for you to do, only to have it fizzle out...
Prove It
Hear Kenny explain how a homeless man’s sense of dignity was impacted by the simple gift of an uncooked turkey. [embedded content]
Ed and the Turkey
Hear Kenny explain how a homeless man’s sense of dignity was impacted by the simple gift of an uncooked turkey. [embedded content]
Knives, Intruders, and a Man Named “Crazy”
During more than ten years of serving the homeless, Kenny has met some interesting people. Hear him tell a not-so-typical Christmas story about two homeless men, an empty warehouse, a few imaginary intruders, and a sharp knife.
Someone’s Friend
Every homeless person is someone’s son, daughter, or friend. Kenny explains why this fact is part of the reason he’s committed to loving the “unlovable.”
The “Small” Things that Really Matter
One statement I hear all the time is, “I really do care, but what are some ways I can prove it?” After this past weekend, I don’t have to look far for examples of how to care about the poor and hurting in our community. Volunteers sorting food back...
For Ministers Who Are Married
Wow, it was good to get back to my own home on the 31st—to stop worrying about whether someone was going to find my camp, or how cold it was going to get, or how much rain was in the forecast. I spent my first 36 hours back home with...
Manna Café Ministries
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