by Vicki York | May 29, 2020 | Doulos Chronicles
The other day, I was mulling over atheism, and I realized that atheists are actually pretty remarkable. Think about it: The effort it would take to ignore God is astounding. God is inescapable. We’re surrounded by Him—in beauty, art, and music but...
by Vicki York | Nov 13, 2019 | Doulos Chronicles
The baby has been birthed. On and off for several years, I’ve been working on my book Created for Fearlessness. I sometimes went months without looking at it, while at other times I focused on little else. Twice I spent four or five days at a...
by Vicki York | Nov 26, 2018 | Doulos Chronicles
Too often, even Christians believe that anxiety and worry are annoying but unavoidable parts of life. “Oh well,” we say, “No one enjoys fear, but it’s to be expected, right?” WRONG. This mindset is a major roadblock to living fearlessly....
by Vicki York | Nov 20, 2018 | Doulos Chronicles
One of the many abortion myths I’ll be addressing in the coming months is this: “Denying abortion results in unwanted, neglected children.” We hear this argument so often that even some Christians believe it. We must stop waffling in regard to the...
by Vicki York | Nov 11, 2018 | Doulos Chronicles
Which of the arguments for abortion listed below is most confusing to you as a Christian? Let’s talk through one at a time to see why they are all myths that don’t hold up under scrutiny. “If you aren’t going to adopt the unwanted babies, you...
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