The baby has been birthed.
On and off for several years, I’ve been working on my book Created for Fearlessness. I sometimes went months without looking at it, while at other times I focused on little else. Twice I spent four or five days at a friend’s cabin in the woods in order to minimize distractions and finish this project, which is unlike anything else I’ve ever done in my life.
During the past eight years, I’ve had dozens of magazine articles published by LifeWay and a hardback book (365 Devotions for Living Joyfully) by Zondervan. I’m deeply grateful to God and to my editors for allowing me all those wonderful opportunities! But there’s been nothing quite like Created for Fearlessness. It’s my heart, my passion, my mission, and my soul because it tells of my journey out of 50 years of fear and anxiety. In 2013, the Lord led me out of bondage to fear and into freedom and light and joy, and the bulk of this transformation happened in a week! He changed my life radically and permanently, and now He’s given me the opportunity to share what He did for me with others. Finally, the book is finished and available on Amazon, and I feel like a new mother: exhausted but elated.
In 2017-18, even though the book didn’t yet exist in a literal sense, I conducted two 8-week studies with about a dozen students each time, teaching them the principles the Lord taught me concerning fearlessness. Since then, I’ve heard many stories of how their lives have changed for the better. I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to convey these principles so that others could understand and apply them, but they’re “getting it”! These truths are “clicking” with them, and lives are being changed—not because there’s anything special about me or my writing style but because of the transforming power of God and His desire that we, His children, walk in fearlessness.

God changed my whole life, and he can change yours too. He showed me the way to fearlessness, and now He’s commissioned me to share it with you. What’s freedom from fear worth to you? I encourage you to get your hands on this book and see what happens. What have to got to lose? See if it speaks to you, and then let me know about your personal journey out of fear. I’d love to hear from you.
Happy reading!
I don’t know you, but hearing your brief testimony of what God has brought you through; I’m thinking about what God has done in my life.
As it is written “by the blood of the lamb and the testimony is the enemy (Satan) defeated”.
I’m looking towards the purchasing of your book.
Thank you Mark!