Inescapable God

Inescapable God

The other day, I was mulling over atheism, and I realized that atheists are actually pretty remarkable. Think about it: The effort it would take to ignore God is astounding. God is inescapable. We’re surrounded by Him—in beauty, art, and music but...
Finally — My Book Is in Print!

Finally — My Book Is in Print!

The baby has been birthed.  On and off for several years, I’ve been working on my book Created for Fearlessness. I sometimes went months without looking at it, while at other times I focused on little else. Twice I spent four or five days at a...
Starting the Abortion Conversation

Starting the Abortion Conversation

Which of the arguments for abortion listed below is most confusing to you as a Christian? Let’s talk through one at a time to see why they are all myths that don’t hold up under scrutiny. “If you aren’t going to adopt the unwanted babies, you...
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